



▶ VD-9600WHG/B


▶ VD-9500H


▶ VD-1600HD


▶ VD-9000FHD


▶ VD-8000HDS


▶ VD-7000W


▶ VD-5000W


▶ VD-3000


▶ VD-1500MG/MB


▶ VD-1500G/B




Must have Bluetooth ON

( Bluetooth has to be on and registered for use of VD-ACTO.)
● Welcome Light is ON when Bluetooth and VD-ACTO are in 5~10meters each other.



● Trunk is open when you move your feet twice under the receiving area.
Note: Magic Trunk is not available due to time-out regardless of active area for safety.



● Hands free trunk open is not available for Anti-theft when the distance between VD-ACTO and Bluetooth is farther than 5~10meters, car starts or time is over regardless of active area.



● Situations


Situations VD-ACTO Active Bluetooth connected (Within10M) Bluetooth disconnected (Out of 10M)
Welcome Light Magic Trunk Welcome Light Magic Trunk
Automobile Stops O O O X X
Automobile X X X X X

* Distance : Distance between driver with smart phone Bluetooth connected and VD-ACTO.
* Magic Trunk : Trunk opened by motion detection. Twice foot moves under VD-ACTO located rear bumper.

Attention: Please visit dealer shop if you newly purchase or replace VD-ACTO to have it initialized.
Please do the same way as you register VD-ACTO on Bluetooth for the first time when VD-ACTO is deleted on the list.